Sunday, March 25, 2007

Successful Surgery & HOME STRETCH!

Tuesday's Surgery went really good. WHitnee now has a second belly button and loves to tell us about it. She was able to recover pretty quick from the re-intibation (due to surgery) and is now just a little sore from the procedure, but overall really doing well. Here is a picture of her with Dad (first time I got to hold her since this ordeal started).
It seems that we are in the "home stretch". Doctors are now pushing her off of the bi-pap machine for longer periods of time. The only time she will need to be on it is when she sleeps and when she is sick. Today we are hoping she can do 9 hrs independant of the bi-pap but we will see. What does all of this mean? Well, we think that she may be able to come home either Tuesday or Wednesday.
I want to thank everyone again for the calls, emails, and prayers of support. It has really helped to know that we have good family and freinds to help us.

1 comment:

Steve and Allison Johnson said...

Everybody in the old neighborhood is praying for Whitnee and your family.
Thanks for sending us the link to your blog, It’s been nice being able to keep up with how Whitnee is progressing.

We miss having you and your family in the neighborhood!

If we can help in any way please don’t hesitate to contact me or Allison.

Your friends,
The Johnson’s